Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Little Drummer Boy

Owen received a drum set today...he loves it already! Here is a photo and a video of him and daddy rockin' out.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Not too excited about Santa...

We were finally able to see Santa on Sunday evening at a family gathering...Owen was not thrilled about sitting on Santa's lap...I believe he started to cry before Jake even let go of him. Poor little guy (and poor Santa)...but I think we only made him sit there for about 30 seconds while I took these two photos...

A picture of Owen in front of our tree...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

15-month Stats

Owen had his 15-month checkup on the Friday after Thanksgiving and he is progressing very well. One tidbit, his pediatrician said that the “average” child his age knows and says 5-15 words…and Owen definitely does (we get to count all the animal noises he makes). For those that know about his bout with petechiae, it has mostly diminished but something his pediatrician will continue to monitor.
Our little boy is growing….he now tips the scales at 24 pounds and has reached 30.5 inches tall.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dancin' Machine 2

A new dance video...sorry it is a bit dark and he was easily distracted.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Underwater Adventures

We visited Underwater Adventures at the Mall of America on Saturday. It was extra fun because we went with our friends Steve, Sarah and Tatum. Both Owen and Tatum were a bit frightened in the beginning (a forest type thing you walk through) but were interested in looking at the fish in the aquarium.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Mural

This is an awesome new product offered by Uppercase Living...and Jake's aunt used Owen's picture as a trial...we LOVE it! Owen calls it "bay-bay." It is a 2' x 16" mural of Owen at 12 months you can see it is almost life-size!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sign Language

YAY! We caught some sign language on the camera!!! Owen gets completely distracted by the it has been tough to catch is new accomplishments on video.
He has learned to sign the word "more" (and says "mo") and also signs "please." I think he's doing pretty well with these signs for a little guy.
Also, watch out...or he might scare you with his "BOO!" :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Parade

We went to the Anoka Halloween are a few pictures we took.
Owen sitting on the sidewalk...
Owen standing in the street...
Big Lake Spudfest float was there...
Grandma Cheryl was in the parade with her work...
Mommy's work was in the parade...hopefully next year Owen will ride on the float!
Daddy's current building had a float in the parade...
Overall we had a great day...just wish it would have been a little warmer! Oh well, thanks to no snow!!! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Owen's Costume

Owen will be a monkey. He likes his costume a lot!

Owen's daycare had a Halloween party on Wednesday this week. They invited over another home daycare and had one BIG party!

Owen & The Girls

An updated picture of the three... Angel, Owen & Jade

Pumpkin Carving

Carving Owen's pumpkin was fun! He calls it a "ball" and liked tapping on it until we cut it open. He touched the "guts" just once then was afraid to look in it.
Looking inside...
Finally sitting with the "finished product"
And we had to take a picture with the lights out!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Apple Orchard & Pumpkin Patch

On Sunday, October 18th we visited Apple Jack's Orchard in Delano, MN. We decide to go there because of the many things they apple orchard, a pumpkin patch, a petting zoo, a corn maze, hay rides, and many other things for kids to do. They are located on the Crow River and have some beautiful scenery.

Owen is crawling through a hollow log...

Having fun out in the apple orchard...we decided to pick our own!
Owen trying to pick his own apples...

Looking for a pumpkin...found some warted ones.
We couldn't find what we wanted in the pre-picked we travelled to the pumpkin patch. Owen decided to do the "sit-test" on the pumpkins. He actually started bouncing on them!

At last, we found the perfect pumpkin for Halloween 2009!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Pictures

We used the same photographer and park in are just a couple.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

13 months old

Wow...a year came fast and now Owen is 13 months old! He is really growing into such a cute toddler and he likes to investigate EVERYTHING! He keeps us (and the dogs) on our toes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Walking Video

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


All kinds of mischeif!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Toys

Owen received "bristle blocks" as a birthday present...not only does he like the blocks...but he likes to play in the container!

Monday, August 31, 2009

12-month Stats

Another milestone...another doctor appointment...I guess it comes with the territory. Owen had his 12-month check-up today and is developing right on track and, according to his pediatrician, he is even doing some things that typically come at 13 months of age...YAY Owen! :) Here are his stats:

Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz; he is in the 30-35th percentile. This is a 7oz weight gain in 2 months.
Height: 28 3/4 inches; he is in the 18th percentile. This is a 1/2 inch growth in 2 months.
Head Circumference: 18 inches; he is in the 30th percentile.

All of his growth measurements have stayed consistent, so it was good news all around. Now it is time to begin weaning him from the bottle and continuing to watch him learn new things. Oh, and he now has a total of 6 teeth!

Dancin' Machine

Another one of Owen's birthday gifts...a "sit-n-spin"...he doesn't quite get that concept...but he sure does like the music it plays. Watch the video to see his new dance moves!

Playin' Baseball

Somebody's got the the video to see!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Professional Photos

We loved the first ones so much that we asked the photographer to take some additional pictures...these are a few we've received so far.
Enjoying a cupcake... Overalls...

Telling secrets to Dawson...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

1st Birthday Party

Since Owen's birthday was on a Tuesday we chose to have a party for him on the following Saturday. For August, it was a bit chilly...only around 68 degrees. The sun was shining, the food was good, and the company was enjoyable...what more could we ask for? We are very thankful to have such wonderful family and friends! Owen had a great day playing with the other children and smashing his birthday cake! Here are some photos from the day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Professional Photos

Here are just a few...there were so many awesome pictures it was hard to choose which ones to post.