Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 30, 2009

9-month Stats

Owen turned 9 months old on Memorial Day. We visited his pediatrician on Tuesday and received nothing but good news! Owen now weighs 20lbs 6oz (he is amost to the 50th percentile) and is now 27 3/4 inches tall (still in the 25th percentile). He has been growing at a perfect rate. We also found out that the latest ear infection has finally cleared, but his ears are still filled with fluid. This makes us even more confident in our decision to schedule Owen for ear tubes. Once the fluid can drain he will be able to hear so much better and hopefully be rid of the infections.
As for new accomplishments, Owen is broadening his vocabulary. He constantly says "Dadadadada" but has now added a "T" sound and "Bubububu". It is wonderful to listen to him jabber. In addition to crawling [everywhere], he pulls himself up on everything...standing is a favorite for him. When he's standing next to some of the toys with wheels he will often "body surf" right over them...and somehow, doesn't seem to mind and just gets right back up to do it again. Owen is also getting better at waving "bye bye"...sometimes it's time to wave in the middle of talking to someone :)
Still NO teeth...he wraps his lips in around his gums and is making a lip smacking sound more now...they must be coming. Even with no teeth we are moving on to more solids. Owen likes fruit (watermelon, strawberries, and bananas so far) and we even tried a bit of a hot dog last night...he loved it! Little pieces of toast and french fries have also been things he has enjoyed.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Trick...Stairs?!?!

With crawling has come so many new "adventures"...Owen is pulling himself up on everything and has even managed to start crawling up the stairs. Two words to describe him now...unstoppable and fearless! Here are just a few pictures of the madness.


It's that time of year...and I love watermelon...let's see if Owen does too...

Visit to the ENT

On Thursday, May 21st we took Owen to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Specialist at Children's Hospital. Right around 6 months of age he developed an ear infection and it has been a lingering problem ever since. We tried 4 antibiotics before we were able to get the infection to clear and then the fluid still didn't was only a matter of time before he would get another infection...and of course, he did.

At the appointment, the first thing Owen did was a hearing test. He sat in a booth with Daddy while they played various sounds and watched for Owen's reaction. The results of the test showed that Owen has some hearing difficulty, mostly with the extreme high and low pitch sounds(anything in between was a bit better).

The ENT doctor had 2 options for Owen... 1. Wait and see if this is something he will grow out of OR 2. tubes. We chose the latter. Tubes should allow his ears to drain, preventing infections and improving his hearing. These will be great results...the only thing now is for us to wait...the first opening wasn't until July.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Finally...we've caught some good action on camera! Check out Owen's cool moves :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

MOA - Trip #2

Owen made his second trip to the Mall of America on Sunday, May 3rd. We watched his uncle Mike compete with his "battle bots" (robots).

The arena they fight in...a view from 2nd floor.

Owen & Daddy
Owen & Mommy