Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, August 31, 2009

12-month Stats

Another milestone...another doctor appointment...I guess it comes with the territory. Owen had his 12-month check-up today and is developing right on track and, according to his pediatrician, he is even doing some things that typically come at 13 months of age...YAY Owen! :) Here are his stats:

Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz; he is in the 30-35th percentile. This is a 7oz weight gain in 2 months.
Height: 28 3/4 inches; he is in the 18th percentile. This is a 1/2 inch growth in 2 months.
Head Circumference: 18 inches; he is in the 30th percentile.

All of his growth measurements have stayed consistent, so it was good news all around. Now it is time to begin weaning him from the bottle and continuing to watch him learn new things. Oh, and he now has a total of 6 teeth!

Dancin' Machine

Another one of Owen's birthday gifts...a "sit-n-spin"...he doesn't quite get that concept...but he sure does like the music it plays. Watch the video to see his new dance moves!

Playin' Baseball

Somebody's got the the video to see!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Professional Photos

We loved the first ones so much that we asked the photographer to take some additional pictures...these are a few we've received so far.
Enjoying a cupcake... Overalls...

Telling secrets to Dawson...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

1st Birthday Party

Since Owen's birthday was on a Tuesday we chose to have a party for him on the following Saturday. For August, it was a bit chilly...only around 68 degrees. The sun was shining, the food was good, and the company was enjoyable...what more could we ask for? We are very thankful to have such wonderful family and friends! Owen had a great day playing with the other children and smashing his birthday cake! Here are some photos from the day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Professional Photos

Here are just a few...there were so many awesome pictures it was hard to choose which ones to post.

1st Birthday!

I know it's cliche...but where has the time gone? These past 12 months have really flown by..."baby" Owen is now 1...and considered a toddler! He does so well with trying to talk, walk, and mimic the things we do. His favorites words include Dada, MaMa, Num Num (for food), Da (for dog), and Nuh (for nuk or milk). His birthday this year was on a Tuesday and he celebrated during the day with his friends at daycare. That evening we took him to a park in Monticello to have professional pictures taken and they are great! After pictures we came home and enjoyed birthday cupcakes.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Few Steps...

Owen has been taking a few steps in between Jake and I for a while now...this is the first we thought of to be able to get it on video. I'll need to work on getting something better! :) Watch the video and see the action...

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 2009

Some recent pictures...
The "tough guy" face:
Just being happy!

Uncle Mike's hat...its too big!


Finally...we have teeth!!! Owen went from zero to 4 teeth in just about 10 days. His first one was on the upper left, then the middle 2 on the bottom, finally it was the one just to the left of the other upper. Here's a picture showing off 1 tooth (and a messy face).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

And...down the stairs...

Check out Owen's new trick of crawling down the stairs...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rocking Cow

This is Owen's rocking cow that he got from his Grandma Pam and Grandpa Gary for Christmas. He's finally figuring out how to use it!

And a video...