Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring is here!

Well, sort of... We've definitely had some nice days and have been able to go for walks and run around the yard a bit. Last night was beautiful out, just a bit of wind. Today is quite cold again...but we are looking forward to lots of outside playtime in the coming months.
Owen turns 19 months old! I guess you could say that we might have gotten him a "half-birthday" present... I found a great deal on Craig's List for a used playset. I think its a hit!


Owen LOVES shoes! Everything from daddy's tennies.... mommy's heels!

While "trying on" the heels he even decided to start pushing around his trucks! Such a funny little guy!

Fun around the house!

I think we are all starting to get a bit stir crazy in the house...we are looking forward to playing outside as it gets warmer. Lately Owen tries to climb into and onto anything and are a few pictures of our fun around the house.