Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

¿existe más?

You betcha! :)
I had the opportunity to sit in Owen's [daycare] preschool class for about 10 minutes one morning this week, before going to work. While I was there, I was pleased to find out that the children are also learning colors and shapes in Spanish.
Owen is well versed with the Spanish translations for red (rojo), blue (azul) and green (verde). I have started trying to teach him the words for yellow (amarillo) and white (blanco).
The shape this week was a square, but he seems a little unsure of that one...and I'm okay with that as I think it is a tongue twister!
Square = Cuadrado

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

¿Hablas Español?

This was one of those experiences where I stopped and said, "WOW! I had NO idea!"

One morning over the weekend, Jake and Owen were at the dining table having breakfast and practicing numbers. On a whim, Jake said, "uno." And to our amazement Owen replied, "dos." We then found out that Owen can (without hesitation) count to five in Spanish. How cool is that?!?!

Yes, one of those proud parent moments! :)


So...I would like to start blogging again. Sharing pictures and story fragments of Owen's life is one of the things I do best...and I have fallen off the band wagon here. I am trying to decide if I should play a little catch up or possibly just start from his third birthday (just less than 2 weeks ago). For now I will stay with the current, but maybe one weekend I will get adventurous and start posting some pictures from the first 7.5 months of this year. YIKES!

Can you tell I'm enjoying my two, now three year old?!?! I would much rather play than blog! :)