So...I was weeding our flower garden in the front yard one day...and as I pulled on some weeds I looked down and noticed a birds nest with 2 little eggs in it. I quickly let go of the weeds (which were still slightly attached to the ground) and backed up. I kept an eye on the nest while I finished weeding and sure enough...a Mama bird came to check on her eggs. I instantly decided that these birds were mine to "adopt"...which basically means that I need to look into the nest a couple times each day. You can't imagine my surprise when the next morning when I checked on the nest and there were 4 eggs! How VERY exciting! Anyways, it has only been almost 2 weeks since I first noticed the I approached the nest tonight...2 little mouths opened up to me!!! The baby birds have hatched!!! They are beautiful. I ran back into the house to get my camera...and here are the new babies!
Mama bird came back...she's sitting on the nest...kind of hard to see...I will work on capturing a better picture.
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