Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 26, 2010

# 2

You guessed it...and I'm writing about it!
Let me just back up for a moment to this was time to change a diaper, so I asked Owen if he would like to sit on the toilet...and he promptly said, "uh-huh" and headed for the bathroom. So exciting! He actually peed [quite a bit] more than last night...he must already be comfortable with this deed and he was very pleased with his results (as am I, if you can't already tell).

On to the "#2 story" was time to change a diaper again so I repeated the situation from earlier and asked about using the toilet and again we went to the bathroom. Owen was saying he had to "poo-poo" but I wasn't quite sure...until I actually saw the, well, you know...poop falling into the toilet.
Woo Hoo!
For those of you that have toilet-trained children I am sure you can relate to this feeling of celebration I have. And for those that have yet to experience such a situation, you might just think back to my story someday and understand why I felt the need to blog about this. :) Today marks another great day in the story of Owen's life!
Let's keep this toilet-using momentum going!!!

1 comment:

Jamie and Brian said...

When I first saw "#2", I thought you meant BABY #2! :) But congrats on the #2, that's big news! I hope I'm blogging about that soon too, just gotta get her in a big girl bed first!