Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1st day at daycare

This post is a little behind...but I wanted to get this out here. Owen's 1st day at daycare was on Tuesday, October 7th. It was a tearful departure for mommy that day...but I knew Owen would be in good hands. The departure was made easier by Jake being designated to drop off Owen in the mornings. I had a bit of a hard time leaving home in the morning and was just counting down the minutes all day until I could pick up my little man! I think I did really well though...I only called to check in twice! Owen has been doing very well at daycare and Sheila says that he fits in very well. All of the other kids really like Owen. :) Last week the kids even colored pictures for Owen to take home...the pictures were super cute!

Sheila was very kind to take a couple pictures of Owen during his first day...

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