My, my…where does time go? I feel like I ask this question more and more every day. Is this really what I have to look forward to? The rest of my life whizzing by? I think this is why I cherish the days that I don’t have to get out of my pajamas (however rare they are)…I can just enjoy the simple comforts of my own home, I can spend time with my wonderful husband and together we can watch our little boy simply do what little boys do. Play with trucks and blocks, get dirty, play in the water…you get the point. Anyway, enough of my ramblings…I haven’t posted in almost THREE months…I really need to get you caught up to speed!!!
This is where I left off…April was a hard month. I lost a really good friend of mine. She was family and it still brings tears to my eyes today. The final result of Angel’s passing was called a “splenic torsion.” Basically meaning that her spleen twisted or flipped and instantly shut off her blood supply and there was no way to predict or prevent this from happening. We waited approximately a month for these results.
Thankfully, the final week of April brought many cheerful events:
On April 26th, baby Nathan was born! I became an Aunt…Jake became an Uncle…and Owen became a Cousin. The happy parents are Jake’s brother, Bryan, and his wife, Brenda.
On April 27th, friends of ours (Jen & Dave) celebrated their 8th anniversary.
On April 28th, Jake and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. The three of us celebrated by having dinner at Rockwoods in Otsego.
On April 29th, our friends (Sarah & Steve) celebrated their 4th anniversary. Also, my cousin welcomed her 2nd baby, Andrew.
We also put up the "framework" for our vegetable garden. It only measures 8'x10' but we crammed it full of lot of delicious things! Here is a picture of Owen with the beginnings of our garden.
Well of course in May, we celebrated Mother’s day. We enjoyed breakfast/brunch at the OCB with my family and then later we enjoyed dinner at the Macaroni Grille with Jake’s family. Quite the day with lots of food!
Owen is finally getting enough hair that we can spike it AND you can see it in pictures! So handsome!!!

For the Memorial holiday weekend, we took our annual trip to Akeley on Saturday to visit the cemetery. My grandpa was buried there and also quite a few of my grandma’s relatives. We had a beautiful sunny day and enjoyed our picnic lunch.
On Monday we joined some friends on a boat they rented and brought out to Big Lake. Owen loved riding in the boat and trying to drive…he didn’t like getting in the water or on the tube! Oh well, maybe next summer.

And I think if we let him, Owen would pretty much live outside. He immediately wants to sit on the deck when we get home from work/daycare...and we play outside until it is time for bed. He is not a fan of rainy days!!!

Owen and his friend Beau...a couple of "tough guys!"
On June 2nd I was invited to see a play at the Gutherie Theatre. My friend got some complimentary tickets from work…so we made a night of dinner and the play, Dollhouse. I haven’t seen a play since I was…gosh, I don’t even remember…so a long time ago! It was a fun experience that I would like to repeat!
Then most of June was filled with miscellaneous events; graduation parties, Albertville Friendly City Days, wedding shower, and Big Lake Spudfest to name a few. And of course we celebrated Father’s day on June 20th.
Our vegetable garden is blooming! We are now learning that the directions on the package to space the plants are pretty important! At least if you don’t want over-crowding. Now we know for next time! Here is Owen and our FIRST zucchini!

Owen and Dawson, playing at daycare!
And finally, here we are to the current month. I think I will save July activities for their own posts.
Thanks for reading! Now let's see if I can keep up a bit better again.