Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Owen had his 1-year follow up appointment for his ear tube surgery on July 8th. We were very hopeful, since Owen had not experienced much for ear infections and one of the tubes had fallen out a few months back, that this would be our last visit with the ENT. Unfortunately this is not the was not our time to say "Goodbye forever" (as our ENT said). Owen's hearing was not where they want it to be at this time...which could have been related to the fact that he was a bit upset during most of the hearing test. However, this makes them want us to return for another follow up. If Owie's ears stay mostly clear of infection we can wait until December/January to go back...if they begin the infection cycle (I call it a cycle because in the past they seem to clear up while he is on the antibiotics, then just come right back afterward the meds are gone) again we will need to return in October.

At the time I am writing this we have already had another ear infection and were on antibiotics...we are praying this is not the start of the cycle!

In other "ear news," Jake also has gotten the pleasure of visiting with an ENT twice this month. It seems the guys have their own little ear infection club...ha ha! I kid, but I definitely feel bad for them.
As of now, neither of them will require surgery...please let us keep it that way!!!

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